Selling a home October 20, 2023

Does selling your home affect your taxes?

Selling your home is a significant milestone in your life, and while it can be an exciting and sometimes emotional process, it’s essential to be aware of how this transaction can affect your taxes. As your trusted real estate agent, I’m here to help you navigate the intricacies of real estate, including the tax implications of selling your home. In this blog, we’ll explore how selling your home can affect your taxes and what you can do to minimize your tax liability.

  1. Capital Gains Tax:

One of the most important considerations when selling your home is capital gains tax. This tax applies to the profit you make from the sale of your primary residence. Fortunately, the IRS offers some favorable tax breaks to homeowners who meet certain criteria. If you’re single, you can exclude up to $250,000 in capital gains from your taxable income. For married couples filing jointly, the exclusion is $500,000. To qualify, you must have owned the home for at least two of the past five years and used it as your primary residence during that time.

  1. Exceptions to the Capital Gains Tax:

In some cases, you may still qualify for the capital gains tax exclusion, even if you don’t meet the ownership and residency requirements. This can happen if you meet specific criteria related to unforeseen circumstances, such as job loss, divorce, or a change in health. Consult a tax professional to understand if you qualify for these exceptions.

  1. Home Improvements and Adjusted Basis: 

The amount you paid for your home, plus the cost of any qualified improvements, is known as your adjusted basis. When calculating your capital gains tax, the adjusted basis can be deducted from your selling price, reducing the taxable gain. Keep records of all improvements, repairs, and maintenance done on your property, as they can increase your adjusted basis and lower your capital gains tax.

  1. Real Estate Commissions and Closing Costs:

When you sell your home, you’ll likely incur expenses related to real estate commissions, title insurance, and other closing costs. These expenses can reduce the overall profit from the sale and, subsequently, the amount subject to capital gains tax.

  1. State and Local Taxes:

In addition to federal taxes, you may be subject to state and local taxes on the sale of your home. These taxes can vary widely depending on your location, so it’s crucial to understand the specific regulations in your area.

  1. Keeping Records:

To ensure you’re well-prepared for tax season, it’s essential to keep detailed records of all your home-related expenses, improvements, and the sale itself. Accurate records will make it easier to calculate your capital gains tax and ensure you claim all eligible deductions.

Selling your home can have a significant impact on your taxes, but with careful planning and a good understanding of the tax implications, you can minimize your tax liability. It’s always a wise idea to work with a qualified tax professional who can help you navigate the complex world of real estate taxes, ensuring that you make the most of available deductions and exclusions. If you have any questions or need assistance with your real estate journey, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me. You can send me a personal message here, I’m here to help you every step of the way!